Are you tired of feeling like big oil companies and the high prices at the pump are holding you over a barrel? Tired of hearing that the big oil companies say that the high prices are do to high refinery costs, or repair of oil rigs damaged in storms, while in the same breath they tell us that they have had record profits quarter after quarter, year after year?
Are you sick of seeing every product you buy become unaffordable due to the rising prices at the pump? Tired of not being able to buy enough food for your family due to the rising costs of the food prices that are going up because of increased cost of gas which effects the shipping costs, a cost that is passed on to us the consumer. Tired of seeing the prices on all products being raised to meet the increasing price of gas while not receiving increased salaries to offset those rising costs?
Do you feel helpless? Feel like there is nothing you can do? Feel like our government is letting us down on this issue? Well you are right. They have and you can’t. You can’t do it alone anyway. But take heart. You are not alone. United we can do something to bring around change. If we can all come together and unite to fight against terrorism or join forces to help those in need when disaster strikes, than we should certainly be able to unite in controlling our gas prices. We are nations of can do people. Aren't we?
So what can we do? We can boycott. True we can’t do without gas. Sure we want to travel on our holidays and will need to fill up. So an all out boycott on gas is really unrealistic. However we do not need an all out boycott on gas to send big oil companies a message that they will understand. Instead of an all out boycott on gas use we should boycott one company at a time for a month at a time.
A boycott of one company for a month at a time will send that company a serious message if we all unite in this effort. The boycott should include all services provided by that company. No purchases of gas, lottery tickets, beverages, snacks, etc Buy nothing from their companies. And when going elsewhere to make your purchases try not to go to the other big companies that will be boycotted in upcoming months. Instead go to the little guy, the mini marts and small stations about the country. They will appreciate your patronage.
We should start our boycott of big oil beginning July. Let us Yanks commemorate our independence day by letting big oil know that we are not going to allow them to hold us over a barrel any longer. And help our Canuck neighbors fight the good fight. There are schedules below to aid us in the boycott. Helping us to target one company and their subsidiaries at a time. This way we can be united in targeting one company at a time in order to make the greatest effect. The schedule starts the boycott in July with Exxon-Mobile, for the U.S., as they have reported some of the largest growth at our expense over the past couple of years and we need to start somewhere. In Canada begin with Petro Canada.
If big oil chooses to heed the warning of a untied boycott and brings their prices back down to a reasonable level this blog will be revised or removed.

Big Oil Ticker

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Gas Boycott Schedules

These schedules are designed to pinch individual companies. These boycotts are not going to cripple them nor should it. Big companies have a reserve and a month of serious boycotts will put a small dent in their quarterly reports. This might sound like I am saying that boycotting is fruitless. No not at all. This schedule is designed to tap these companies on the shoulders and get their attention. If they still insist on maintaining prices as they are after the first 3 months of boycotts, one company for one month, I suggest we step it up in the following months.

If indeed the first quarter of boycotts do not produce the desired effect we should start over. Target the same companies. One at a time but for two weeks. And if needed another cycle of three weeks until they cry uncle. The longer the boycott the larger the effect. However we must be careful. Many service stations are franchised to independent owners. These owners are our neighbors and employ our neighbors to run their businesses. Long drawn out boycotts may cause these business men and women to close up. Causing many to loose their employment and worse. This should not be our goal. And if big oil companies force that to be the case I would hope that those business owners would file complaints with the courts over the matter.

Please if you have found this blog let others know about it. If you would like a link to your site, especially if it is about the gas prices and boycott, post an address and if you would return the favor that would be great. I will post most any link so long as it is not to a site that is sex, terrorist oriented.

So come on and let us join together and put these Big Oil Stock tickers in a steady down hill slide. Slide to where? That is something I have been wondering about. Some input on this would be great. Where do we think the gas prices should be? How much should we be paying?

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