These schedules are designed to pinch individual companies. These boycotts are not going to cripple them nor should it. Big companies have a reserve and a month of serious boycotts will put a small dent in their quarterly reports. This might sound like I am saying that boycotting is fruitless. No not at all. This schedule is designed to tap these companies on the shoulders and get their attention. If they still insist on maintaining prices as they are after the first 3 months of boycotts, one company for one month, I suggest we step it up in the following months.
If indeed the first quarter of boycotts do not produce the desired effect we should start over. Target the same companies. One at a time but for two weeks. And if needed another cycle of three weeks until they cry uncle. The longer the boycott the larger the effect. However we must be careful. Many service stations are franchised to independent owners. These owners are our neighbors and employ our neighbors to run their businesses. Long drawn out boycotts may cause these business men and women to close up. Causing many to loose their employment and worse. This should not be our goal. And if big oil companies force that to be the case I would hope that those business owners would file complaints with the courts over the matter.
Please if you have found this blog let others know about it. If you would like a link to your site, especially if it is about the gas prices and boycott, post an address and if you would return the favor that would be great. I will post most any link so long as it is not to a site that is sex, terrorist oriented.
So come on and let us join together and put these Big Oil Stock tickers in a steady down hill slide. Slide to where? That is something I have been wondering about. Some input on this would be great. Where do we think the gas prices should be? How much should we be paying?
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